Volunteers from Christ University. (2BBM A)
Venue: Bangalore INDIA
Date: 4th March 2012 onwards
DAY – 1 (4TH March)
SCEAD foundation. The word holds a different meaning now from when I first heard it. The experience was so different from what we expected. Little did we know that our first day was going to be a fun-filled exciting one.
We spent our first two hours getting to know about the NGO from Mr. Daniel who is the founder. Mr. Daniel spoke to us about the organization. SCEAD Foundation was started in 1998 and was all about eradicating child labour initially. They slowly began expanding their boundaries towards teaching social awareness in Government schools and conducting street plays on social issues.
We left for a slum in Bilekahalli at around 11:30 AM and were asked to find out how many kids attended the Government school nearby and how many didn’t. We visited about 30 makeshift houses and spoke to the children there. We were getting mixed responses from the children, while some said that they did attend school it sounded like premeditated answers rather than genuine responses. Reasons being that they had to help their parents in the household chores and help them earn their daily bread.
Some were straight forward enough to say that they had absolutely no interest in pursuing their studies and had simply dropped out. We talked to them about the importance of continuing one’s education and tried asserting on the fact that education would take them a long way in future. We hope we managed to make an impression on them!
We returned to the SCEAD Foundation office after 3 grueling hours of extensive survey in 2 slums. We gave the head a feedback and the information we had collected in the last few hours and gave a report to him. Later we started planning the itinerary for the upcoming week. We had a brainstorming session and came up with innovative ideas for the activities to be held that week.