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Showing posts from April, 2017

Summer school March/April 2017

Summer school : we had great day,we all shared real life experience with kids. We all learnt soo much. First beginning with the survey we visited around 100-120houses. But were able to bring a couple of 10kids from the entire visit of 100houses. We analysed the reason why kids dint come to Aanganvaadi. We found that their parents beat them up inspite of our presence, their parents forced them to work with them in the field or elsewhere.  But apart from this we see that the kids love coming to school as we learnt that there were few kids who motivated each other to join them.There was a lot of positive energy among them as they showed lot of enthusiasm in learning. We asked numericals, resite alphabet in order and pointed out few pictures of animals ans fruits and asked them its names and we distributed chocolates. The entire experience was amazing and we all enjoyed it.... SCEAD volunteers April 2017