SCEAD Foundation education campaign Venue :Around Government kannada school old airport Road Bangalore India Date: August 2011 On Going Project Last Sunday all the interns along with SCEAD members went to the slums for campaigning. The purpose of our campaign was to approach children and their parents and encourage them to enroll to school. Many children from poor families are sent to work instead of being educated. However this creates a vicious circle of poverty because without education they do not get opportunities for a better life as adults, remaining poor and leading to the same pattern. It is this vicious circle that SCEAD wants to break and that is why we went there. We tried to show the children that school can be actually fun, and for that we played educative games along with some children from the slums that are already enrolled in school. For example one intern (Jin) came up with a game that helped the children learn how to count to ten in English, and...