40 National and International volunteers participated in Filed Photography on Street and Working Children Venue: Bangalore City India Date :8th January 2012 Meeting Point :SCEAD Office Bangalore India Today was another out of the world, real experience. Excitement to go on a field from the last few days turned out to be worth waiting for. Around 40 SCEAD Foundation volunteers, students from various colleges and our international volunteers met up at the office in morning. We were split into groups and were allotted different areas such as Shivajinagar, K R market, Gandhi Baazar, and in and around areas of the office. Our task for the day was to take photos of working children in these busy hubs of Bangalore. Taking pictures only was not what we were asked to do, but in turn find out from these children, the reasons for not attending schools and bring this to the notice of the Anti Child labour Authorities . It was surely a very...