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Showing posts from January, 2011

The Times Of India NGO Award 2011

Times Foundation NGO Award  Held on 14th January 2011 SCEAD Foundation was Nominated

Jessica, a student who donated funds for the cause of Education

Jessica M.V, a Christ University student pursuing her BBA has made a difference to the lives of five little children by donating funds for their education for one year. "Among all the assets in the world, education is the best asset that parents can give their children. Being blessed and knowing the importance of education, I felt it is my responsibility to help those parents who are unable to provide their children with  the most valuable asset  - Education. Though I have just helped five children among many in the country to have a stable future, the joy and satisfaction within me is tremendous. India is not just my country. I urge all of you to become responsible citizens and help India make its children its biggest asset." 

Current project SCEAD Foundation and Christ University Bangalore INDIA

  Project Jasmine (Adopt a School) 08january 2011   My Experience In Jasmine School And In Scead Foundation Scead foundation and Jasmine School has been one of the best experiences in my life. Scead foundation is doing a great job by extending their help to socially and financially backward students. I had a great opportunity to work with them. Daniel sir  had helped us a lot in terms of allowing us to work with them and have a life changing experience. In Jasmine School where I had gone I got a opportunity to help the Scead foundation with the renovation of the school building and helping the students by tutoring them.  The teachers and students of Jasmine school were happy and excited as they never thought that they will experience a change in their life.  This experience had been a life changing experience for me as I got to help people who were not so fortunate. I had got to interact with the students of jasmine school who had expressed that they were ha...

Volunteer with SCEAD Foundation

SCEAD Foundation gives volunteers a unique opportunity to work one on one, with the children and staff of schools adopted in developing countries. Through this life changing experience, a "spiritual" awakening takes place in both the volunteers and the children. In addition to helping in renovation of schools, fund-raising, local survey, improving the literacy rate in the school surrounding through activities, plant gardens, and maintain the facilities, volunteers offer loving support. Infant children feel loved through the human touch experience perpetuated by volunteers and staff. A key component to our success, volunteers truly make a difference.

SCEAD Foundation :Project Jasmine (Adopt a School)

SCEAD Presents  Project:  Jasmine Adopt a School  Venue: New Jasmine School, Kalikanagar, Andrahalli Road, Bangalore  INDIA Our Partner for this Project: Project Preliminary: 7th Jan 2011 Volunteers get in touch with:   SijuDaniel: +919845222812, ( NEW JASMINE SCHOOL KIDS ) Let’s Start the Magic towards the school   Provision of water and toilet facilities to the school separately for boys and girls. Construction and renovation of existing building. Provision of equipment and furniture. Providing computers/funding for computer training of students. Strengthening of Library. Provision of play materials Training of teachers to improve quality of teaching Training of students to develop various skills, leadership, etc. Sponsoring students/ teachers for educational visits/sports meets. Adopting girl children/SC-ST and minority children. Sponsoring cultural, literary and scientific activities in the school. Giving scholarship to needy st...


SCEAD FOUNDATION INDIA (Space for Children in Education Art and Development)   NGO began 12 years ago by young likeminded people What does SCEAD DO? Adoption and renovation of schools in India which are catering underprivileged society. Providing Assistance through people from over 35 countries along with local youth volunteers ever year for Schools to be renovated. Educating through Entertainment for abolishing child labor. Street performances in various parts of India to educate public, especially children about poverty, child labor among others.. Awareness Champs on AIDS in schools and universities. Helping AIDS affected children cope with the anxiety to lead a normal life. Creating awareness among many villages on human rights. International Social Youth exchange.  Agri tourism in the respect of adding value to both villagers and international tourists.  THE other major works are: SCEAD Foundation also supports the visually impaired,...


About Us What is SCEAD? SCEAD stands for Space for Children in Education Art and Development Space for Children Each child has the right to play, to go to school, and to dream. Adults bear the responsibility, as guardians of childhood, for making that possible. SCEAD offers a unique opportunity to engage a wide range of community actors and organizations in the promotion of social justice and universally recognized human and labour rights. Education… Access to basic education is a fundamental right that is denied to millions of children. Not only is poverty a cause of child labour, child labour also causes poverty. Free universal primary education is one of the main ways to break this vicious cycle, which is the aim of the second Millennium Development Goal reinforced by the Education. Education has a fundamental role to play in personal and social development and in promoting a strong sense of personal responsibility for the attainment of common, global goals. The education...